
Ganterie Boon sedert/since 1884

Product is Sold Out
This book tells you more about the superb shop premises and the glove-selling profession, but also about the changes in the fashion and retail landscape in 20th-century Antwerp, the background against which this story is set. You will also learn more about Arthur Boon's successors: today a new generation of the enterprising family that took over from Mr Boon's wife has stepped up to safeguard the future of the extraordinary heritage gem that is Ganterie Boon.
Ganterie Boon sedert/since 1884

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Ganterie Boon sedert/since 1884

35,00 €

Ganterie Boon is een begrip in Antwerpen en ver daarbuiten. De geschiedenis van de handschoenenspeciaalzaak gaat terug tot in 1884. Vandaag is het een van de laatste zaken waar je nog uitsluitend met de hand gemaakte handschoenen vindt, in een prachtig bewaarde (en ondertussen beschermde) authentieke art-decowinkel uit 1929.

In dit boek kom je niet alleen meer te weten over het uitzonderlijke winkelpand en over het handschoenenmetier, maar ook over de veranderingen binnen het mode- en retaillandschap in Antwerpen in de 20ste eeuw, de achtergrond waartegen dit verhaal zich afspeelt. Je leert ook de opvolgers van Arthur Boon kennen: de ondernemende familie die ooit de fakkel van de vrouw van Boon overnam, staat vandaag met een nieuwe generatie klaar om de toekomst van de bijzondere erfgoedparel Ganterie Boon veilig te stellen.

Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark blue

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Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark blue (navy)
Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark blue

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Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark blue

75,00 €

Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark brown

Product is Sold Out
Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark brown
Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark brown

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Childeren's mittens, lambfur, dark brown

75,00 €

Nappa, men's gloves, half braided, black

classic with a twist, cashmere lining
Nappa, half braided, black

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Nappa, men's gloves, half braided, black

185,00 €

Python, men's gloves, black

Exclusive python with cashmere lining
Python, men's gloves, black

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Python, men's gloves, black

320,00 €

Nappa men's gloves with braided detail, black

Classic with a twist, cashmere lining
Nappa fantasy men's gloves with braided detail, black

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Nappa men's gloves with braided detail, black

155,00 €

Nappa glacé men's gloves, dark green

striking winter classic with cashmere lining
Nappa glacé men's gloves, dark green
Nappa glacé men's gloves, dark green

Other colors

Nappa glacé men's gloves, red
Nappa glacé men's gloves, red
155,00 €

Nappa glacé men's gloves, dark green

155,00 €

Nappa glacé men's gloves, red

striking winter classic with cashmere lining
Nappa glacé men's gloves, red
Nappa glacé men's gloves, red

Other colors

Nappa glacé men's gloves, olive green
Nappa glacé men's gloves, olive green
155,00 €
Nappa glacé men's gloves, dark green
Nappa glacé men's gloves, dark green
155,00 €
men's nappagloves,cashmere lined, black
men's nappagloves,cashmere lined, black
155,00 €
men's nappagloves,cashmere lined, tan
men's nappagloves,cashmere lined, tan
155,00 €
Men's nappagloves, bordeaux
Men's nappagloves, bordeaux
155,00 €
Men's nappa gloves, dark brown
Men's nappa gloves, dark brown
155,00 €
Men's nappa gloves, grey
Men's nappa gloves, grey
155,00 €

Nappa glacé men's gloves, red

155,00 €

Nappa glacé men's gloves, olive green

striking winter classic with cashmere lining
Nappa glacé men's gloves, olive green
Nappa glacé men's gloves, olive green

Other colors

Nappa glacé men's gloves, red
Nappa glacé men's gloves, red
155,00 €

Nappa glacé men's gloves, olive green

155,00 €

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